Wednesday, September 04, 2002

When the Rain is Everywhere

When my Master and I were walking in the rain,
he would say,
"Do not walk so fast, the rain is everywhere."

-Shunryu Suzuki Roshi
from "Crooked Cucumber: The Life and Teaching of Shunryu Suzuki,"
by David Chadwick (Broadway Books)

This reminds me of people dashing for the bus which has reached the bus-stop,
when there are already many people clogging the in door.
These people hurry only to clog it more.
A clogged entrance is already clogged!
I look on, amused, as i take my time to saunter towards the bus,
making it just in time.

The rain is everywhere.
As long as we are unenlightened, Samsara is everywhere.
But more specifically, Samsara is where we bring our defilements to.
Where we do not lug them along, it is Pureland

Since there is no escape from the rain and other inevitable downpours of life,
why not bask in it?
Haha... basking in the rain, not just sun.

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