Wednesday, January 15, 2003

Principle of Universal Importance

The Anthropic Principle says that the universe centres around man in the sense that it is naturally shaped such that it allows man to exist- which is why we can be here now talking about this principle. This seems to make sense at first thought. But does it really? Yes and no. Man inevitably dies. With the death of a man, does the principle still hold true for him? Or do we say it ends with him- for him? This principle is only saying the obvious- though it conjures the illusion that man is special and central in the universe. The Anthropic Pinciple is simply the law of karma- the universe of causes and conditions will support the survival of the individual according to his just deserts- till he does not "deserve" to live anymore. In this sense, the universe does indeed "revolve" around this individual. However, through careful thought, you will realise that the universe in reality "revolves" around each and every thing and being. There is simply no other way for things and beings to exist if the universe does not allows it. For example, we can say the conditions of the universe revolves around a sapling to condition or "allow" it to grow into a great tree- before it gets chopped to be timber. I can call this the flora principle! Likewise, there is the canine principle, which revolves around dogs, and the feline principle, which revolves around cats... you get the idea! What does this imply? It means that contrary to the single belief of the Anthropic Principle, that man is central in the universe as an observer and participant, other things and beings are of just as much central importance in the universe- or the universe would not have "taken the equal amount of trouble" to bring them into existence and sustain their existence. Everything in the universe are participants in the universe we share. The fact that any particular thing or being exists means the entire universe is naturally "taking care" of it in the moment. Thus, we have to uphold what is natural- speak up for animal rights, preserve the rainforests, etc...

Because everything and everyone is central in the universe, there is no specific centre. How can this be? Here is a slightly abstract yet exact example to let you get the idea. Imagine the Earth as a perfect sphere. Any point you stand, your feet point straight at its central core. All creatures and things great and small are likewise centrally bound passionlessly by gravity to the same core, with no particular like or dislike by the great Earth. Now expand this concept in all directions to cover the whole universe to see the big picture. The universe is like a macro Earth system, a gargantuan but single tightly cohesive unit of intricate interdependence, with equal "respect" for everything in it. The "respect" is not a particular slant of preference towards any particular thing or being but in a (w)holistic (complete and singular) way. Because the universe is holistic in nature, it is just. It does not side the doom or teeming of any lifeform- it only plays out in the moment, effects created by causes and conditions set by the particular lifeform in the past. This non-sentient nature of the universe means we should be all the more mindful of the repercussions of our actions to the universe and ourselves, who are part of the universe.

Let me call my above elaborated theory to the Anthropic Principle the "Principle of Universal Importance." This principle also speaks of interbeing (interdependence) as the fact that the universe allows all that exists to exist means co-existence is possible between man and nature, and man and man of different natures. Yet thus co-existence does not always imply harmony. On closer look, much global disharmomy between man and man and man and nature is caused by man. (Other sentient beings have their own conflicts too.) Man can both actively create and resolve conflicts. Only with the understanding of the Principle of Universal Importance (which is just my fancy term for "Dependent Origination" as taught by the Buddha, or "Interbeing" as coined by Thich Nhat Hanh) will man see the need for universal peace. JoinMailingList4LatestUpdates/Reply

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