Thursday, February 13, 2003

Attachment to Attachment & Detachment

Zeph: "All that you fashion, all that you make, all that you buld, all that you break... all of these you can leave behind... you got to leave it behind..." U2 (Walk On)
Yah: Can you do it?
Zeph: Trying.
Yah: Not hard if you don't own or build anything. If you want to give up, why have it in the first place?
Zeph: Sometimes we realise that after we have attachment.
Yah: True... Don't get too attached to giving up attachment too, haha. JoinMailingList4LatestUpdates/Reply

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Hopefully Somewhat Enlightening & Entertaining Thoughts... Stuff discovered on the path to the natural unshakable peacefulness of a stone...