Thursday, February 13, 2003

Should You be a Monk or Nun?

Even if you are a monk,
if your practice of the Way is not intense,
if your aspiration is not pure,
how are you any different from a layman?

Again, even if you are a layman,
if your aspiration is intense and your conduct wise,
why is this any different from being a monk?

-Zen Master Hakuin

If you want to be a monk but hesitate,
let go of that which holds you back...
if you really want to be a monk.

If you want to be a monk but hesitate,
and cannot let go of that which holds you back...
you either do not want really to be a monk,
or are not yet ready.


There is basically only one good reason to be a monk-
to have more space and time dedicated to intense practice.
To know if you are have this dedication or not,
go for a long retreat.
When you decide not to leave this retreat,
which is in reality retreating from attachment, aversion and delusion,
you have already become a monk within.
Decide then, whether you wish to be a monk without.

-Stonepeace JoinMailingList4LatestUpdates/Reply

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